Neighbor vol. 1 is a kinetic sculpture interested in modeling how information and opinions travel through a community.
Neighbor Vol. 1 consists of ten networked hanging LED lights, activated by motors. Each light module is connected through a network cable to a central computing hub, run by a series of Arduino boards and a single Linux computer which oversees the relationships between modules and assigns its position, color, and likelihood to change its position or color. The sculpture is then activated, and algorithmically each light module calculates how much it needs to move and adjust its colors to match with its neighbors. By repeating this process on a loop, a dynamic picture representing the flow of information across a community emerges.
Neighbor Vol. 1 was shown at the Imagined Futures show at Suny Old Westbury in September 2021. The project is ongoing and a second version is currently in the works.
Neighbor GI was shown at the Imagined Futures show at Swale house on Governors Island. The project is ongoing and a third version is currently in the works.
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