"The Brunch Bunch" is a story about a potato. This animation uses a combination of stop motion, paper cutout, digital photography, and digital animation software. The work was completed in August 2021
Along with "Four Horsemen" and "Sea Creatures", "Armie's Big Day" completes a triology of animations created in 2020 during the pandemic. Armie originally appears as part of the installation work For those who seek truth, I hope you find certainty."
An animation inspired by the book of revelations as reimagined through the early internet meme "Hamster dance". This animation is created with paper cutouts and digital animation software. Created during August 2020
Voice Over by the Talented: Spike McCue. Music: Nightrise by Jens East under a CC BY 4.0 License
This stop motion animation gives the viewer a glimpse at an undersea world. This project was created using cut paper and digital animation software. Created during April 2020. Music used by Lobo Loco from the Free Music Archive with voice overs from Josh Hagan and Katy Reed.
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